The College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Alberta (CRPNA) is seeking two (2) registered psychiatric nurses (RPNs) to fill two (2) Council Terms expiring December 31, 2024. There are currently no public member vacancies. The term of appointment is for four (4) years, commencing January 01, 2025, and expiring December 31, 2028.

Council members play an important role in fulfilling the CRPNA’s mandate of regulating in the public's interest. The CRPNA uses a competency-based selection process for Council recruitment, and we encourage registrants to apply even if they don’t have all the competencies and attributes identified in the CRPNA Competency Matrix . Our goal is to have a range of diverse perspectives represented, and every member can help contribute to meaningful discussion and informed decision-making on Council by bringing their unique background and competencies to the table.



The Council is the governing body of the CRPNA and is responsible for the governance of the CRPNA in a manner that protects and serves the public interest. The Council consists of Regulated Members of Council (appointed in accordance with the Bylaws) and Public Members of Council (appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council pursuant to the HPA). The Chair, elected by Council and the Vice Chair, elected by Council provide leadership to the Council.  


Council and committees must function in a way that builds, honours, and maintains public trust. Individuals must understand and be committed to the public protection mandate; have the time and focus to engage deeply in this important work; balance public and professional perspectives; uphold and model values such as accountability, respect, and inclusiveness; are humble and self-aware; and reflect the culturally rich communities served by RPNs.



Being on Council is an exciting opportunity to have an impact on psychiatric nursing regulation in Alberta. If you are a Registered Psychiatric Nurse interested in serving, review the postings below. 

Application forms will be accepted until 11.59 p.m. MDT on October 01, 2024.

Who Is Eligible to Apply for Appointment as a Registrant Member of Council?

Registered Psychiatric Nurses who are interested in being considered for appointment to Council:

  • must be registered on the Practicing or Provisional register in good standing with the CRPNA;
  • must have a minimum of one (1) year practice in Canada;
  • must apply and be willing to serve on Council for a 4-year term if selected;
  • must review and meet the *required Council Competency and Attributes Matrix  ;
  • must submit the names and contact information of two (2) references to be contacted by CRPNA;;
  • must submit an Application Form and Member Overview;
  • must be comfortable using a computer and internet connection. Familiarity with MS Office and Zoom environments would be beneficial. (Support will be provided if required.).

*In some cases, skills can be learned after joining Council, so discretion may be exercised in the case of candidates committed to building skills in gap areas in the first year of service.

All eligible applications will be reviewed by the Appointment Committee, the Appointment Committee may interview or request further information from any eligible applicant.  The Appointment Committee will make a recommendation for appointment to Council at the November Council meeting. 

Council Appointments will be announced by notification to registrants within seven (7) days of the appointment and posted on the CRPNA website.



Individuals appointed must ensure their personal interests do not interfere with their duties as a Council member. The CRPNA’s Conflict of Interest Policy    outlines the CRPNA's requirements and disclosure process.